You can store up to 3 quests. Players gain 1 quest at 0:00 CST. BOOST sponsorship players gain 2 quests at 0:00 CST. | You can store up to 3 quests. Players gain 1 quest at 0:00 CST. BOOST sponsorship players gain 2 quests at 0:00 CST. | You can store up to 3 quests. Players gain 1 quest at 0:00 CST. BOOST sponsorship players gain 2 quests at 0:00 CST. | Locked Quest Only BOOST sponsorship players may store a 4th quest. You can store up to 3 quests. Players gain 1 quest at 0:00 CST. BOOST sponsorship players gain 2 quests at 0:00 CST. |
Note : If your track changes from RANKED to UNRANKED before a race finishes, the goal is NOT counted. Do NOT enter races around 0:00 CST in the hopes of completing goals. Newbie tracks(eligible to new players only) are ALWAYS counted as a Ranked Track for quest purposes. If you have completed a number divisible by 5 of quests(example :5,10,15,20), you will also earn 2 Collection cards. |